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Hi! I'm Jen Bridwell Oppenheim, IWLC, CPT, WLS, CnTPM
As a trainer, Certified Canine Trigger Point Myotherapist and Holistic Actions! for Animals Academy faculty member, helping dogs feel great and live their happiest and longest lives are among my greatest passions and joys.
Helping dogs and people understand each other has been my mission for over 30 years. I've seen a lot of trainers and training fads come and go during that time, and found that the best method is the one that works for YOUR dog!
The most important factor is the relationship you share, and that's where we'll start building the foundation for training.
My book, "The Everything Dog Obedience Book" is available on Amazon or from your local bookstore.
I'm honored to work alongside Drs. Jeff Feinman and Christina Chambreau on the faculty of
The Holistic Actions for Animals Academy

Here's a little secret: it's really people training. I'll teach you how to live with your puppy or dog to encourage a mutually fun, healthy and respectful relationship. Shoes aren't "one size fits all", and neither is dog training. Your private lessons focus on the behaviors that are important to you, using the most effective and balanced training techniques.
single:$145 | 3 lessons: $375
(plus mileage, if applicable)
Healthier bodies and better behaved dogs! Who doesn't want to accomplish 2 goals in half the time? In addition to being a dog trainer for the last 34 years, I'm also a Certified Personal Trainer, Integrative Wellness and Life Coach and Weight Loss Specialist for people. I will custom design a program incorporating fitness and dog training just for you !
6 sessions: $575
(plus mileage, if applicable)
Hands - on bodywork helps soothe achy spots and improves flexibility, balance and quality of life; while a holistic lifestyle builds vitality in your pet and the planet. It can be confusing and overwhelming to make the switch to holistic care, but with my help, you can bravely step forward into a healthier life for your dog (and maybe even yourself!).
single:$125 | 3 sessions: $325
(plus mileage, if applicable)

We are very proud of our history and reputation training people and their pets, along with training dozens of Therapy teams and even helping some exceptional pets become Service or Assistance Dogs for their owner-handlers, assisting them with mobility, balance, object retrieval and alerting for certain medical conditions


Dear Jen,
I just want to thank you for a wonderful training experience at your facility. My dog "Emma" has done beautifully and you were right on point as to her personality. In my job I could not recommend a trainer unless I had observed their methods and agreed with their theory. I have recommended you to many people because I had such a positive experience with my own dog, and respect your ability to "read" a dog and know it's needs.
I would also like to thank you for donating your time and being available to evaluate shelter dogs when needed. Your insight is invaluable to us.
Patricia Liptak, Director, Milford Animal Control
"I contacted Canine Connection Dog Training after my husband and I adopted our third dog. We needed to add some order to our multiple dog home, as well as learn ourselves about basic obedience in order to control situations better. My dog Max and I are so glad we found Canine Connection. It has made all of our lives so much better. And I look forward to learning more with Jennifer!"
I can't believe it! After one private lesson, Nugget is like a new dog! As you know, mine is his 3rd home, so he hasn't been an easy dog to live with in his past. After only a few days living with him, I understood why, and was ready to return him myself, but I knew he was on his way to being put down, so I had to give him a chance, and I'm so glad I did! You were so right about his personality and how to control and direct him. He really wanted to be a good boy all along, he just didn't know how! His vet and groomer could not believe the change in him in such a short time-they asked me if he was the same dog they used to have to sedate to work on. I'm looking forward to attending the Family Manners class with him in April. Thanks again for helping me save Nugget's life! J.C.
Hi Jen-
Casey, Anthony and I had a ball in your class - it was obvious that Casey certainly enjoyed herself. We commented this morning about how much you and Amanda care about the dogs... it really shows.
Thanks again and please let me know when the next class will begin.
Best Regards -
Hi Jen,
Just wanted to fill you in on things here. I thought Gracie seemed to be doing much better. I've tried to be really consistent with her and have my husband working on it too. Almost instantly I saw a difference. She seems much less dominant…I thinks she's beginning to realize we're the boss. She has been off the couch and is not jumping on us nearly as much-almost never. She's learning she's not in charge. I really thought I noticed a change but then my parents came to visit today and were amazed. They thought she was like a new dog! We can finally see all the things we like about her without being overwhelmed by her dominating behaviors. I don't know if it's the training you gave me or the flower essences, but somethings working. I know it seems too good to be true and I realize that she has a ways to go but I like what I'm seeing! Thank you again for all your help. Even after meeting with you, I felt better. You gave me such hope for Gracie. Unfortunately her pushy and rough, jealous behavior had put her at risk for being returned to the pound. She was not only unpleasant to be around, but actually dangerously rough towards our other pets and baby. Now I am confident that with continued commitment to the training you gave us Gracie will remain a member of our family.
Thanks so much. Anne B
Hi Jen- I am so glad you came over last Friday. Once again, Your expertise and insight have helped me enormously. I see it more and more- Dukie has a Napoleonic personality. Does that make me his Josephine? Well, no more. You will be happy to know that he is improving daily, and now minds much better, and even drops his favorite green squeeky ball on the command of "drop". I am so pleased that they are all getting used to it so quickly. They continue also with their drops. Sissy Lee comes home tomorrow, I think. So, it will be an opportunity to deal creativley, ie. Musical dogs- with the crates. Also, we are going to try crating at least one other dog a night besides Sissy, who really needs to stay put- and often jumps up running after cats at night. So, another learning opportunity about the bed. I took very much to heart what you said about restricting the Dukie's bed privileges, so perhaps this is an easier out for me doing it this way. I look forward to classes with Frank, we will all benefit by some more of your insightful direction, I am sure.
thanks again,
Ann Moore mom to Boston Terriers Duke, Sissy and Frank